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Piolo Pascual




Tim Bob
Player ID: 173965
~Register to the game as an adept of this player~
Regeneration : 28
Luck : 7
Energetic immunity : 30
Trade sense : 10
Briskness : 26
Initiative : 5
Defence : 206
Attack : 75
Power : 110
Royal Guard
Sun God Armour
Principle of Enthropy = 236
Transposition Principle = 239
Principle of Cyclicity = 197
Principle of Light = 122
Darkness Principle = 1
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Battle stats
Won: 530 | Lost: 558
Honor: 5029
MindPower: 5
You are not yet a member of any alliance
(Updated on Day 271)

Heretic Archer (ID: 573xxx) - Age 357 (Day 271)
Heretic Archer (ID: 573xxx) - Age 357 (Day 271)
Heretic Archer (ID: 574xxx) - Age 356 (Day 271)
Heretic Archer (ID: 574xxx) - Age 356 (Day 271)
Elemental Egg (ID: 573xxx) - Age 357 (Day 271)
Elemental Egg (ID: 574xxx) - Age 356 (Day 271)
Elemental Egg (ID: 574xxx) - Age 356 (Day 271)
Egg (ID: 587xxx) - Age 322 (Day 271)
Elemental Egg (ID: 587xxx) - Age 357 (Day 271)
Grasan I (ID: 573xxx) - Age 321 (Day 271)
Grasan I (ID: 587xxx) - Age 321 (Day 271)
Scout (ID: 596xxx) - Age 299 (Day 271)
Young Savage Knator (ID: 596xxx) - Age 299 (Day 271)
Grasan I (ID: 625xxx) - Age 204 (Day 271)
Grasan I (ID: 625xxx) - Age 204 (Day 271)
Joker (ID: 625xxx) - Age 206 (Day 271)
Scout (ID: 627xxx) - Age 197 (Day 271)
Water Being I (ID: 627xxx) - Age 197 (Day 271)

PM me for any offers..
Some of my creatures
Elemental V Grasan Huvourer Chaos Archer Elite Knator Master Lorerootian Archer

(Image may be subject to copyright. Read the note at the end of this page.).

Fight the war. F*ck the norm.

Page 360 - The Inner Sun - Noo.
Trapped in his never-ending nightmare, No One looks in desperation at the small puppy. He recoils as it melts, too. The puppy sends out a silent plea from its eyes before they burst. The form dissipates and the ashes of its bones blow away. At this horrific sight, he awakes with a start, covered in sweat, to find himself alone in Necrovion once again. ...
This story involves real player characters and updates every few hours.
Read the rest of the story in the could become part of it

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